Project Technical and Economic Indicators
Project Technical and Economic Indicators is used to analyze overall rebar quantity of a project. The report enables to make rough analysis of overall rebar quantity in a whole project as well as correctness of rebar calculation based on single-unit concrete.
This report displays such information as structure type, foundation, anti-seismic, building area, rebar total weight, and rebar content etc.
Rebar Economic Indicator 1
This report enables to give a detailed summary analysis on the rebar by floor based on the rebar diameter and type (e.g. straight bar or link). If you are not so sure about the quantities in Rebar Economical And Technical Indicator, or you may want to know the detail distribution condition of the rebars in each floor, then this report, by finding the particular floor or the rebar range, may be used to view the quantities by floor.
It is classified by floor in the table, and also sub-classified by type, category and diameter, with summary information of every floor given finally.
Rebar Economic Indicator 2
Similarly to Indicator 1, Rebar Economic Indicator 2 also summarizes rebar by category. The different part is that indicator 2 summarizes by diameter and type (bars/links) in different element other than floor. This indicator has nearly the same function as indicator 1. Particularly, it has a different angle to analyze rebar quantities due to the different classification method.
It is classified by element in the table, and also sub-classified by type, category and diameter range, with summary information of every element given finally.
Rebar Economic Indicators --By Floor
Rebar Economic Indicators --By Floor is used to view rebar quantity by floor, and analyze rebar content, including total rebar content and rebar content of each floor. Apparently, it is mainly used to analyze the rebar content by floor. Both this table and Rebar Economic Indicators--By Position are newly added report.
It is classified by floor in the table, counting total weight, displaying rebar content by floor and rebar total content, and finally summarizing them.
Rebar Economic Indicators --By Position
Different from Rebar Economic Indicator Table --By Floor, This table enables to view rebar and analyze single-unit rebar content by overground and underground.
It is classified by overground and underground in the table, counting rebar total weight, displaying rebar content by floor and rebar total content, and finally summarizing them.
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